Complaints about MFA is the bane of my existence

May 8, 2024

Okay, so managing the incessant stream of coworkers requesting access to the company’s various software may not seem like it is the main source of misery in an IT admin’s life— but I assure you, it’s in the top ten.

Imagine a world where Admins don’t need to onboard users to yet another app or hear complaints about users having to use personal devices. Instead, your company could leverage a Slack integration where employees can securely request their own MFA codes.

By themselves. Alone. Without needing to install an app or learn a new interface. Key Forge’s MFA within Slack unburdens IT and boosts employee contentment. Which, arguably, also boosts IT contentment. While all still aligning to company security protocols.

Benefits of the Key Forge Self-Service MFA request

With Key Forge, there is no need to switch up, swap out, or stop the presses. Manual provisioning is frustrating for both the end user and the IT manager. Streamlining the MFA process by offering MFA within Slack makes it a no-brainer for all the right reasons.

Compress IT Sprawl

Identity and access management (IAM) can be a proverbial tightrope walk. Employees will take IT into their own hands by bringing non-compliant tech into your workplace because the existing solution doesn’t work or challenge the requirement for them to use personal devices for company requirements. Admins will feel the pressure to purchase the latest hype to quell an emerging issue or have bragging rights for kicking the tires.

Together, these needs may quickly lead to overlapping and under-utilized solutions that create greater security risk and growing maintenance.

Using Key Forge within Slack is intuitive, easy to provision, and secure. We keep all data safe, in transit or at rest, with AES-256 encrypted and private encryption keys dedicated to your workspace. It’s easy for users and available wherever they work because it’s embedded in Slack, so it won’t sit on the shelf and gather dust.

Automate MFA and Alleviate the Wait

You know that you can make your life easier through IT automation. You have carefully constructed a compliance policy, the approval process, and granular training. Making core applications readily available eliminates the middleman.

Key Forge seamlessly integrates into your existing communication platforms. Because it delivers MFA capabilities in the place where employees already are, you can ensure greater adoption and eliminate the risk of downtime.

Key Forge MFA in Slack Aligns to Your IT System

Key Forge is a Slack integration that allows users to request and access MFA codes regardless of which type of device they use. Key Forge is secure, frictionless, and fundamental for IT organizations that use chat communication to increase productivity.

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Andrew Murray

Andrew is the CEO of WUMU LLC, and the Key Forge Product Champion.